This is where it all began! In 1981, LL.M. Director Jake Looney welcomed our inaugural class. Candidates from this era remember first-hand the Farm Crisis and Professor Don Pedersen's Agricultural Law casebook . Since that time, our alumni have brought their expertise to policy, practice, advocacy and education. Help us continue the tradition by donating $40 in honor of the LL.M. program’s first decade!
During the 1990s, the LL.M. Program in Agricultural Law continued under the leadership of Don Pedersen and Lonnie Beard. Our current director, Susan Schneider, received her degree in 1991. Give $40 x 2 decades to help a new LL.M. candidate join the family!
Did you know? In 2000, Professor Susan Schneider took over as LL.M. Program Director, and it was during this decade that the LL.M. Program in Agricultural Law became the LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law. Please consider a gift of $40 x 3 decades to support the next generation of LL.M. grads.
It's been nearly 40 years since the LL.M. program at the University of Arkansas School of Law began. A gift of $40 x 4 decades gets us one step closer to our goal!
Since our inaugural class in 1981, we've graduated 304 candidates! Help us reach and/or exceed our goal by donating and encourage your fellow classmates to do the same.
Over the life of the LL.M. Program, we've benefitted from the leadership of our program directors: Jake Looney, Don Pedersen, Lonnie Beard and Susan Schneider. Consider showing your appreciation for their service by donating $600 to support our cause.
1980 is the year our program launched and the year our LL.M. alumni family network began. A gift of $1,980 will greatly accelerate our ability to reach our goal of $6,000.