Rank | State | Gifts |
1 | AR | 72 |
2 | IA | 2 |
2 | IL | 2 |
Did you know that our students come from every major in Bumpers College? There are 14 interrelated majors and 25 minors to prepare students for rewarding professional careers developing sustainable solutions for food, family and environmental issues.
Did you know our students help support the #1 industry in Arkansas? Agriculture! Arkansas is #1 in rice, #3 in broilers, #3 in cotton, #4 in catfish, #4 in turkeys, #7 in peanuts, #8 in chicken eggs, #10 in soybeans, #11 in beef cows, #15 in corn for grain, #22 in oats, #23 in cattle & calves, #23 in honey, and #24 in hogs & pigs.
In the next 50 years, researchers like us must help farmers around the world feed more people than we did in the previous 100 years.
The MANRRS name became official in 1989. Overall, our focus evolves around personal and professional development of our membership as a means to prepare students for opportunities within a global society.
The majority of our expenses comes from hotel costs, staying 3 nights in Memphis. With your donation, we will be able to focus on presenting our research at the conference.
Since 1871, the University of Arkansas has been the land-grant institution and state flagship which remains unchanged — to serve the state of Arkansas as a partner, resource and catalyst by: (1) Providing access to a comprehensive and internationally competitive public education, and fostering student success across a wide spectrum of disciplines; (2) Utilizing research, discovery and creative activity to improve the quality of life, develop solutions to the challenges we face and drive the state's economy; and (3) Contributing service and expertise through outreach, engagement and collaboration.