How Funds Are Awarded
Graduate and international students can be just one emergency or crisis away from having to drop out of school. The International Student Catastrophic Fund and The Needy Family Graduate Student Emergency Support Fund provide urgent and essential grants for students facing catastrophic situations that could cause them to completely withdraw from school. By giving to these funds, you can help students stay enrolled and on track to earn degrees that will forever change their lives.
Types of emergencies include:
The average request amount is $500. Grant amounts are based on funds available, and currently average $250. We receive over 125 requests each year, but funds are limited. Your support will ensure that we are able to meet the needs of as many students as possible.
Your tax-deductible gift – of any size – will make an immediate impact. As soon as you complete your donation, the funds are available for a student in need.
Student Emergency Support Impact
"There are many factors that can lead to a financial crisis for our international students. We have international students whose parent unexpectedly passed away, leaving the student with very few financial resources to complete their programs. We have students who are diagnosed with illnesses or fractures whose insurance only pays a portion of the extended medical expenses. We recently had a case of a student who had to bear the expenses to move out of her flooded apartment after the creek through Fayetteville overflowed its banks.
The Needy Family Graduate Student Emergency Support Fund helps graduate students stay enrolled, earn degrees, and change their lives. Many of our graduate students are dependent upon their stipends to maintain their standard of living, and any extra expense – especially one that’s unexpected – is oftentimes difficult for them to handle and could cause them to drop out of school.
The funds are limited, so not every request is funded. Your financial contribution, no matter the amount, can make it possible for a student to get the help they need to finish their degree.
Thank you in advance for considering a donation to one, or both, of these funds. Your support is powerful."
-Ed Pohl, Dean of the Graduate School and International Education
How You Can Help
Every Donation makes a difference. These are suggested donations based on UA international and graduate students: