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ENTO-ROADSHOW: Mobile Entomology STEAM Classroom

Raised toward our $5,500 Goal
46 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on August 26, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Wrapped Trailer Debut @ Historic Cane Hill Harvest Festival

September 18, 2024
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.


August 27, 2024

Thanks to YOU and your generosity we have:

Crushed our original goal of $5500 for the graphic wrap and have already scheduled the installation for the week of September 9th! 

Achieved the stretch goal of $6800, at the buzzer! The extra funds will go toward enhancing interactivity and usability of the trailer displays!

Made the last unwrapped stop of the ENTO-ROADSHOW to a record turnout at the 3rd annual Historic Cane Hill Bug Crawl! (since it was the last time unwrapped, participants were encouraged to "graffiti" the trailer with dry-erase likenesses of their favorite bugs!)

Have scheduled the DEBUT of the ENTO-ROADSHOW fully wrapped for the Historic Cane Hill Harvest Festival on September 21st! Come on out and see what you helped create, y'all! 

Just because the campaign is over, it doesn't mean the updates are! As soon as the trailer is wrapped, another update will come out to donors to show off the new jewel and announce upcoming stops over this fall! 

The trailer is already booking out as far as the end of next summer! The impact of YOUR goodwill is anticipated to reach over 10,000 people just in the next year! Some might say we are headed into a new chapter, I say we just passed the preface! 

From all of the fine folks associated with the ENTO-ROADSHOW- thanks for bugging us and helping to make our STEAM DREAM a reality for The Natural State! 


Big Announcements & Colossal Victory!

August 14, 2024

On behalf of myself and the ENTO-ROADSHOW FundRAZOR team, THANK YOU! It simply can't be said enough... To have our funding goal of $5500 achieved, and surpassed, is truly humbling. As we round out this campaign over the next 12 days, we hope finish strong and want you to know that every dollar donated beyond our initial goal will be put to use enhancing the usability and interactive experiences provided by the ENTO-ROADSHOW! We have decided to keep the momentum going by implementing a Stretch Goal of raising $6800 by August 26th. The extra funds raised with go directly to helping with the purchase of items that enhance the sensory experience of the ENTO-ROADSHOW such as lighting for nighttime adventures (check out the theater feature of the wrap in the attached image!), speakers to broadcast bug sounds, and "touchable" items such as insect models and a durable metal casting of an anthill. 

Just look at all we've accomplished with your help!

1) Anonymous Challenge unlocked and then met! 

2) Full funding for the ENTO-ROADSHOW theme vinyl wrap! (The date to have it installed has already been set!)

3) Last "unwrapped" stop announced for the Historic Cane Hill Bug Crawl! (

4) Stretch Goal of $6800 announced! (Shootin' for the moon!)


Goals in Sight and Anonymous Challenge Announced! What a Ride!

August 10, 2024


August 02, 2024

Today marked one week on the campaign trail and we have been absolutely FLOORED by the support! In the photo, participants of stop #9 of the ENTO-ROADSHOW, Washington County 4H participants led by Lauren Cheevers, imitated their favorite bugs today to help us say THANK YOU! Keep spreading the word and we might just surpass the goal to help fund the trailer even further! Also, stay tuned for a SPECIAL announcement when we reach $4500!!!


The ENTO-ROADSHOW campaign STEAMS ahead!

July 26, 2024

Participants of the AEGIS summer program at Ozark Natural Science Center in Madison County, Arkansas were the last group to get paid a visit by the ENTO-ROADSHOW before FundRAZOR kickoff! This stop marked the 7th event and 3rd county visited thus far! 

Choose a giving level


The Super Seven

This donation level honors the 7 largest orders of insects (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Odonata & Hemiptera).


Luck of the Cicada

It takes periodical cicadas in Arkansas 13 years to complete their lifecycle and in some cultures cicadas are a sign of good fortune! Not to mention, 13 is a very lucky number for ENTO-ROADSHOW creator Austin Jones!


Order Up!

There are at least 30 different orders of insects containing multiple millions of species. Some estimates are that ~7,000 new species of insects are discovered each year!


Arkansas Strong

One goal of the ENTO-ROADSHOW is to visit each and every of the 75 counties of Arkansas!


Hill Strong

The U of A has been around for 153 years!


Hercules Beetle

Celebrate the over 500,000 species of beetles by donating one dollar for each 1,000 species! The Eastern Hercules beetle is the largest beetle in North America and can be found right here in the Natural State!


Nectar Collector

Pollination is one of the most important ecosystem services that insects perform for environmental stability and human nutrition. Donation at this level will definitely make our program bear fruit!


Methuselah Generation Monarch

It takes the occurrence of multiple generations of monarch butterflies to reach Canada from overwintering sites in Mexico, but a single "Methuselah Generation" monarch butterfly can travel over 2,500 miles from Canada back to Mexico, outliving and outpacing their northbound ancestors by a long shot. You too can outpace the pack with this level of donation! -- If you give at this level, we will create a small exhibit of your favorite bugs with a sign thanking you!

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